mercredi 19 décembre 2012

I was in a sculpture contest  at Carcassonne, France. The subject was Paul Sabatier, Nobel price winner for chime in 1912.
I only had 0.5 points (on 60 points in total) difference with the first price winner. The jury has chosen for a very, very, very classic sculpture, a head sculpture of P. Sabatier. The show is until 15 of januari at rue Sabatier, Carcassonne.

Soit, show must go on.
An article in the local newspapers about this. (in french)

dimanche 9 décembre 2012


"They should create some museums worldwide for "only living artists", once you're dead you MUST leave the museum and go to a museum where most of the fellow artists R.I.P."

David Vanorbeek